Rangoon Creeper

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A vine with fragrant white, pink, and red flowers.


Rangoon Creeper, scientifically known as Quisqualis Indica, is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the family of Combretaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia and is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The plant is a vigorous climber that can grow up to a height of 80cm to 180cm, depending on the growing conditions. The leaves of the Rangoon Creeper are glossy, dark green, and elongated, with a pointed tip. The plant produces fragrant flowers that are tubular in shape and can be up to 7cm long. The flowers start as white, then turn pink, and finally, they mature to a deep red color. The blooming period of the Rangoon Creeper is from late spring to early fall, and the plant requires full sun exposure to produce abundant flowers. The Rangoon Creeper is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to grow and care for.

Caring for your Rangoon Creeper

Light Requirements –

Low Light, Indirect Light

Watering Schedule – Once a week

During summers, the Rangoon Creeper planted in red sand mixed with cocopete in the Canada heat should be watered twice a day. In winter, they should be watered once every two days.


Pet Friendliness –


Additional information


(160-180)cm, (80-100)cm


Juile(Glass), Lilly | Black, Lilly | White, Melissa, Nursery Pot, Sam


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