Ipomoea Climber

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Fast-growing vine with dense foliage and small, white or purple flowers.


Railroad Creeper, also known as Ipomoea Cairica, is a fast-growing, perennial vine that belongs to the morning glory family. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Australia, but has been introduced to many other parts of the world, including the Americas. The plant can grow up to 50cm to 180cm in length and has a woody stem that can climb up walls, fences, and trees with the help of tendrils.

The leaves of the Railroad Creeper are heart-shaped and have a glossy green color. The flowers are trumpet-shaped and come in shades of pink, purple, and white. They bloom in the summer and fall and attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. The plant produces small, round, black seeds that are dispersed by wind and animals.

Railroad Creeper is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of soil types and growing conditions. It prefers full sun to partial shade and moderate

Caring for your Ipomoea Climber

Light Requirements –

 Direct Light

Watering Schedule – Everyday

Once a day during summers and once every two days in winter.

Pet Friendliness –


Additional information


(0.8-1)m, (1.6-1.8)m


Blair | Nude, Blair | White, Briana (Gloss), Ella | Brown, Ella | Creme, Ivy, Juile(Glass), Lilly | Black, Lilly | White, Madison | Black, Madison | Green, Madison | Grey, Madison | White, Melissa, Natalie, Nursery Pot, Quinn | Black, Quinn | White, Sam, Sarah, Scarlett


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